“Recon SitRep” of Capitol Hill (insert weekly name to make cool acronym)

John Murphy
4 min readJun 15, 2020

Really quick Sit Rep folks… no time to mess with typos. Just read. K?

I like to know exactly what is going on… so I had to recon the Capitol Hill (insert words to create cool acronym of the week)… and…. it was really cool. Way more chill than I expected… even abstaining from the propaganda…

So for me… a little too much like a block party… I feel like my friend Jordan speaks to that better than I can… but I hope the city lets this festival continue through the summer… the surrounding businesses are booming while folks are getting involved politically on the street. Really an amazing meeting of minds. A little goofier and fluff than *I* like… but hey This is America… and my happy place is in the desert in Iraq… right?

There are some folks that are getting a little upset and feel threatened by this terrifying insurgency that is threatening civilization… but I suspect they are just not seeing the situation clearly through the eyeholes in their pillow cases…. cause erm… well, let me show you…

If someone tells you this place is threatening…
Tell them they need to just take that pillow case off their head, I know they think they can see things clearly through the eyeholes… but hey… the fabric is blowing around, their vision is getting obscured. And if that does not work… and they refuse to take that pillow case off… well… take them to a barbecue!

December 8, 1984…. party time!

Anyways… lots of political babble… I get it… I mean, I just had to sit through the Washington state democratic convention (okokok, it was kinda cool, but NOT as cool as being in the desert in Iraq)…. but I had to run like hell form that part… I need activity. WAYYYYY too many people for my introversion level… really… in one sentence:



So I went straight to the Pea Patch… I heard about this guy Marcus Henderson… well, Marcus is making a victory garden for BLM… and THAT is Kooler than Jesus… you can read about it here.

When I got there is was a nonstop push to unload all the truckloads of organic soil that are being donated. Everyone in the state seems to want to help out. In moments we were doing layout for a gazebo and when people made a lumber run…. it was time to shovel manure… you just can NOT get this in city life!

So anyways… we’re building a Gazebo for beans… The opportunity to put a random garden for veggies in a public park is irresistible to me always.

Marcus… he threw some carpenters my way… we could use some stagehands… this is like an opera set quick mod. But for now we are throwing stuff up.

You can help here. I like Marcus, he is kickass.

Also, you can email Jenny Durkan and tell her that we HAVE TO do what it takes to make this thing work. And from her tweets, I think that she might just be into it.

You know… the greatest protest by an oppressed people is living well… and making a garden where everyone can grow things is the ultimate “living well”

So support this little pocket… it is cool, it is full of love and it is the best protest I have ever seen in Seattle. I’m in…

We built stuff.

We will build MORE stuff!!!!





John Murphy

John is a folklorist and ethnographer that directs The Cabiri, a Seattle based performance company. He also operates the advocacy/outreach organization DuSarea.